
Google’s latest operating system for Android devices is set to take the market by storm with its advanced features and improved user experience.   1. One of the newest features which is going to be its selling point is the ability to split screen space between apps. Two applications can run simultaneously allowing user to […]

Large applications that are widely accessed, especially by people scattered at different locations, to perform daily operations are mostly hosted on cloud nowadays. The reason being easy availability and high security at low maintenance costs.   Different types of cloud computing models: Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS): A virtualized environment where computing resources like hardware, software, server and […]

The word ‘Mobile’ is inevitably used in our lives today. Due to the latest advancements in technology a lot of development has been and is being done in this domain. Mobile Application Development covers a major portion of software development. Mobile being the most easily accessible medium from commercial to business activities all are accomplished […]

“Change is inevitable. Change is constant.” – Benjamin Disraeli   Legacy applications are over. But does that mean replace the old and discard the new? Organizations tend to use Legacy applications due to various reasons, familiarity, staff’s comfort level, change averseness, to avoid migration costs and any unwarranted possible downtime.  This is fine on pragmatic […]

IT revolution has started decades ago and automation has pushed industries to implement various automation workflows to suit the industry demands.  Over a period of time several applications survived and got updated, and millions perished.  In general only those applications survived which were really important and had no alternative, applications that scaled and adapted to […]

Web Application Development is the conception of application programs that exist in on isolated servers as well as are conveyed to the user’s gadget over the Internet.

Organizations rich in ideas but deficient in resources and implementation capability entrust their product development activities to another company who is capable of accomplishing this goal effectively with their resource and expertise. This scenario is termed as Product development outsourcing.

Laravel is an open source framework for developing graceful web applications using relevant syntax. It provides a pleasing environment to developers to code in structured blocks for common functionalities. This helps users achieve a unified experience over all the applications.   It provides some out-of-the box high level features like advanced ORM for database handling, […]